A few words from Christa:
I am so pleased to announce that my efforts in getting the Breed Standard Extension for the Russian Toy Terrier accepted and made official by the ANKC in Australia, has been successful and the breed can now be shown in exhibitions as a recognised breed.
I wish to thank all those who helped me to make this possible, namely my dear friends Graham and Jenny, Rob Harrison at Dogs Queensland, and also Ern Boxhall who worked so diligently for me and eventually drawing up the Breed Standard Extension to present to ANKC.
I wish also to sincerely thank Anastasiya Pogrebinskaya Vice President of National Club of Breed “Russian Toy”, Moscow Russia.
Anastasiya was very kind for allowing the use of script and illustrations shown in the Standard.
I wish also to thank ANKC for their final acceptance of all the details that made the Standard possible.
A few words about myself:
I started with the Russian Toy in 2006 by having the first of the breed in Austria. Then the first Russian Toy puppies were born from my breeders in Austria in 2009.
This was followed by much success in Exhibitions with my Toys successful in World Champion, National Champion etc. My desire is to breed only healthy and beautiful Russian Toys.
I love Australia, and for this reason I decided to start a program in Australia.
This was not easy! This was extremely costly but eventually in 2010 I sent six Russian Toys to Australia...a mix of Shorthair and Longhair, all with the best bloodlines of Russia, Luxemburg, Germany, and Ukraine etc.
The first puppies were born in Australia in 2011 and I was very pleased with how well developed they were. Especially I was pleased to see them adapt to the Australian climate,